May 30, 2015

Money Talks

If people would quit buying plastic crap from China, they'd stop making plastic crap.

If people only bought organic food, you'd find that stores would stock nothing but.

If people refused to pay thousands of dollars for sporting events tickets, the price *would* come down.

I can't change the world. I can, however, use my resources for good.

So can you. Not only can you, you must. For all of us.

May 29, 2015

The Cost of "Free"

Words that strike terror in the hearts of mothers everywhere: "Look, Mommy! Mrs. Smith gave us a kitten!"
Oh, but it was free! No cost! No charge! Take it! It's yours!

Next time someone wants to give you something for "free," substitute the word "problem" for the item's name.

Here, take this problem! It's free! I'm giving it to you [so you can be responsible for feeding it, cleaning up after it, and paying for medical care]!

You're such a good friend that I'm going to give you this problem [so that you can pay for insurance, new tires, brakes, and a timing belt and I can feel less guilty about going out and buying something decent].

Honey, look what I got for free - it was put out to the curb! Can you believe someone would just leave a problem out there [for us to haul away so they don't have to look at it, because it's ugly, has no functional value and will take up space in an already cramped living space, bring chaos to our view, our lives and our souls]?

Are you starting to see the cost of free? The only thing people want to get rid of is their problem. They'd love to give it to you.

But you'd have to take it. Does it bring you joy or needed function? Well, ok. Otherwise, don't do it. The cost is too high.

To what "free" gift will you say "No!" today?

Blessed Are the Hump Sitters

Forget texting and driving - the real distraction for drivers is fighting kids. "He touched me!" "She touched me first!" and on it goes. Parents only wish they had eyes in the back of their head, for then justice would be meted out without objection.

So, being the peacemaker that I am, I have taken to sitting on the hump. You know, that back seat middle hump that is the least comfortable in the car. One kid to my right, one to my left, one up front with Dad, no one in touching distance of anyone else, and can we please relax now and stop distracting the driver?

It's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the safety of all of us. Of course, I'm praying for guardian angels to protect us on our journey, but I think they secretly like and/or appreciate when I do my part.

Blessed are the hump sitters... start of a new set of Beatitudes?

May 26, 2015

Addiction and the Age of Loneliness

There is some interesting research that indicates that addiction is not just a matter of your brains being  hijacked by chemicals. Read here for a wake up call: The Likely Cause of Addiction

According to Johann Hari, the opposite of addiction is not sobriety, but human connection. Those who are connected and loved, don't get addicted. Interesting. If this author is correct, tough love is not the answer to your addicted loved ones. Love is.

People are hungry - starving - to be loved, to be accepted, to be be connected to other humans.

There is no line waiting around the block to be judged. There is a long line (and hospitals and jails) filled with people who long to be loved. To connect. To belong.

May 24, 2015

The Few, the Proud

To all the men and women who serve and have served the US with your military service, thank you.

Why do the Marines call themselves "the few, the proud?" Because if it were easy, everyone would join. If winning the 6-A ring were easy, all the teams would win. Only one wins.

In the book of Judges, Gideon had to thin the troops, so that when they won the battle with so few men, everyone would know it was only with God's help.

Joel Osteen said, "Everyone cannot go where God is taking you. Someone gets off the bus at every stop." You don't need thousands of Facebook friends, or Twitter followers. You need a few close friends who encourage you to be the best version of yourself.

Now, go be fabulous. But be prepared to say goodbye to people you thought you couldn't live without. 

May 19, 2015

Hungry Moms

Moms are generally a hungry bunch.

Sometimes, they're hungry for food, because in all the day's craziness, eating somehow didn't happen (and baby leftovers don't count.) Mostly, though, what moms are hungry for, is validation.

Moms need someone to talk to. For the first couple years of a child's life, he's not much of a conversationalist. Some kids grow to adulthood and are never given that gift. It's ok. Kids are not your friends. You need FRIENDS you can talk to. Other moms.

Maybe one who has already been where you are.
Who understands.
Who doesn't judge.

Friends who have kids know that you are doing the best you can, and if you got dressed today, it's been a great day of accomplishment. Between the spills and boo boos, the laughter and tears, every day just sort of blurs into the next, and once in a while you drop into the chair from exhaustion, and someone crawls in your lap, because they need.... a hug, they need.... your attention.

They need... what only you can provide.

Those of us who have been there, are cheering you on. Even when it's hard. Even when it's crazy. Even when you're hungry, and wondering if anyone understands.

We do. We're cheering you on.

You go, girl.