Jul 31, 2015

Daddy's Knee

Daddy owned a bank. He's retired now, and other family members own it.

But we learned things at Daddy's knee, that many kids did not learn.

We learned to save money. We don't live beyond our means. My  credit rating is stellar, thanks to Daddy.

We learned that credit is a tool. Used properly, it can make a good thing better. Used improperly or recklessly, it can damage something beyond repair.

We learned to respect businessmen. They hire people. They sign the front of paychecks, so that others can sign the back. Don't begrudge them a profit. They must have an incentive, or why not just close the shop? No poor person ever gave me a job.

Taxing the 1% "more" is not the answer, since they'll just raise prices for everyone at the bottom. Don't listen to those who would cause divisiveness, and incite class warfare. They don't want to help you. They're only interested in making a name for themselves. They're using you.

Dad knows.

Jul 30, 2015

Bad Bosses

There are certain things they don't tell you in a job interview.

They never say "The environment is toxic, and you will die a little each day."
They never say "Work really hard here, so that others can steal credit for your work."
They never say "It's like working for the fire department: 90% boredom and 10% adrenaline."
They never say "The boss drinks, and his mistakes will be blamed on you - even if you were 1000 miles away at the time."
They never say "The great boss that hires you will soon be replaced by a micromanaging clueless, prideful, unrepentant man who breaks the laws of God and man with equal narcissism."

If they told you these things, who would work there? Yet, here you are, eager and anxious to apply for a job. Then you get in, and 3 months later, when the bloom is clearly off the rose, you want out. Except where would you go? Out of the frying pan and into the fire? You need the money. So you stay, while planning your exit strategy, thankful that you are able to look for a different job scrolling on your cellphone, without leaving an electronic history on your work computer.

It helps, I think, to view it as a mission trip. You can't just leave, say, Jamaica, as soon as it gets hard or uncomfortable. You can only leave when the group leaves, at the end of the trip. So you force yourself to cope, to put on a smile, to be civil.

We're not made for ease and comfort, but for greatness and purpose. The universe has your back. When you learn to be at peace in the uncomfortable place, then no matter where you are, you will be at peace.

That's the lesson. The sooner you learn it, the sooner you can stop looking for something else, and let the "something else" come to you.

Jul 28, 2015


My sister posted a link of 10 top foods that cause cancer so stop eating them. Fine. Probably a good way to lose weight since everything I eat was on the list.

Then I got to bacon. Really? I'm supposed to stop eating bacon?

Who wants cancer? Who wants to die young?

Then I had to agree with my dad: everyone's gotta die from something.

If I die from bacon, I'll die happy, so it's ok. 

Jul 27, 2015

Hungry Women

We women are really good at beating ourselves up because we are used to being beaten up. If no one is doing the job of beating us up, we happily, as a martyr, do what no one else is doing: beating ourselves up.


Yeah. I know, right?

It's a really perverse cycle. We compete with each other instead of building each other up. We say snippy things that cut to the bone. Why? To make us feel superior? We say ugly things about other women to our "friends." Why? To make us feel superior?

H'mmmm. Sounds like an ego problem.

Someone has to break the cycle. Someone has to say "I am worthy and precious and you do not talk to me that way."

Someone has to say "Hey, good luck in your job interview! I hope you get it!"  "You look great! Have fun on your date!" "Here - borrow my jacket. It will look great with what you're wearing!"

Nobody's doing that.

You do that. Fill in the gap. Women are desperate to hear some little morsel of encouragement. They are hungry for the words that YOU can say.

Don't let them starve. Open your mouth and speak so that others may live.

Jul 26, 2015

The Days of Dial-Up

My first word processing program was Multi Mate 5. My first modem was 24 baud in 1990. I've had the same aol email address since 1995, which is practically unheard of.

In 2000, I easily navigated Netscape and backed up data redundantly on iomega tapes.

In 2 decades the entire world is different because of the change in the way we communicate.

Like Gutenberg.  Did he know he was changing the world, by changing its communication? Are we being hopelessly old fashioned by supporting radio? Not really. People still have radios in their cars. Everyone can't afford satellite.

But its days are probably waning. What will be the next big thing?

Stay tuned. (Pun intended.)

Jul 18, 2015

Do The Right Thing

If you are on the playground with your friends, and a classmate is being excluded from the game, how do you respond?

I asked that of my VBS class this week, and got all the predictable answers: go ask him to join us, tell the other kids that we should include him, leave the group and go find a game that the other student can play...

In reality, I still see lonely kids on the playground.

Oh but if I go against my friends, they won't be my friends any more.
Oh but if I leave the group I'll miss out on this great game.
Oh but my team needs me.

Oh but.

When you know the right thing to do, you cannot pretend that you do NOT know the right thing to do.

My daughter was in a car wreck 6+ months ago. Thank God & guardian angels she was not hurt. Yesterday, we were informed by the insurance company that since the trucker who changed lanes into her denies liability (denies the TRUTH) and there were "no" witnesses, they will not be able to pursue damages from the trucking company.

NO witnesses? A busy interstate in Birmingham Alabama & no one was on it in the middle of the day except my daughter and an inattentive trucker?

No one stopped. No one gave her a name & number and offered to be a witness on her behalf. Oh, but they were in a hurry. Oh but someone else will do it. Oh but I'll pray for them...


Really? Get rid of the OH BUTS and do the right thing. If you witness an accident, stop to give the wronged party your name & number. You don't have to stick around. Give it and go.

Do the right thing.

Jul 16, 2015

Give a Dog a Bone

I love my dog. She's an old girl, but still takes pride in protecting us from errant squirrels and brown trucks. I give her a bone (a cookie) from time to time.

She would be loved and have everything she needs if I did not give her a bone.

But it makes me happy to make her happy.

Please toss me a bone, would ya? Thanks.

Jul 15, 2015

Whee vs Wow

There is a video being circulated now where a man asks random people if they'd rather have $1 or $150, and they choose the $1.  

No, no. I'm just kidding. What he offered them was the choice between a chocolate bar:

and a 10 oz. silver bar:
And they chose - you guessed it - the Hershey bar. The whee over the wow. 

Oh dear.

Jul 13, 2015

Look up!

How many times do you think people say (or think) "I can't imagine life without my smartphone." They panic when the battery goes low. They walk around aimlessly until they get a bar or 4.

In this society, I agree that phones are useful, even necessary. But can't imagine...?

Abraham couldn't imagine having a child, either, and God told him, "Get out of your tent! Look up! Look at the stars!"

Rappers sing about violence, because that's all they know. If they would get out of their tent, they'd see that a few miles down the road, mothers are kissing their children goodnight, fathers are working hard to provide for their families, children are paying attention in school, and babies are being snuggled.

Get out of your tent. If you think that your world is everyone's world, Honey, get out of your tent!

Look up. Look at the stars.